Archive for November, 2008

StYLiD presented at the ISWC 2008 demo session

I am back from Karlsruhe, Germany after presenting StYLiD at the poster and demo session of ISWC 2008. My paper titled “Consolidating User-defined Concepts with StYLiD” was published in the proceedings CEUR-WS Volume 401. I have also uploaded the paper and the poster.

I prepared some screencast videos to demostrate StYLiD. I will try to post them online soon. Making screencasts proved to be a good idea as the internet connection at the venue was so intermittent 😉

It was a good opportunity for me to attend such an important conference. Prof. Martin Hepp came along and watched my demo in detail and took a picture of the entire poster – an honor for me. He also asked me specific questions and thanks for his comments. He had rightly noted that I have been referring to and citing his works like myOntology and FolksOntology 🙂

There were also other people interested in StYLiD. Luckily my stall was located next to other interesting demos like LENA (a linked data browser) and Thinkbase (a graphical interface to Freebase). However, I could not show my demo in detail to everyone, I realized that it takes time.

I will have more time to explain my work at ASWC 2008, Bangkok where I will present StYLiD as a full research paper.

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